Our Rainy Day Guarantee

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What is our Rainy Day Guarantee?

We know it can be impossible to plan ahead for fear of the great British weather not playing ball. That's why we have our Rainy Day Guarantee. To give you comfort in booking in advance. To know that should you get an hour of continuous rain during your visit, you can come back again for FREE! 

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How does it work?

All tickets booked in advance online are automatically covered by the Rainy Day Guarantee. On the day of your visit, should an hour of continuous rain dampen spirits, ask a member of our team if it qualifies for a Rainy Day and if it does, they will issue you with a form with next steps for claiming your return visit.

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Come back within 6 months

You will have 6 months to return. We will issue you a code for the same value as your original visit. You can redeem this online. Should your chosen return date be a higher price, you can add the extra.  

Let us tell you more

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    Plenty of fun even in the rain!

    If you do visit and it rains, don't fret, we have plenty of undercover & indoor spaces to explore. You can still have the BEST FUN!

    Watch Harry

Rainy Day Web Page

Rainy Day Guarantee T&C's

Want to know the finer details? Please read our Terms & Conditions. 

Terms & Conditions